Journal � Issues in Mental Health Nursing. Locate articles and query publisher details.
An examination of mental health issues from a social and cultural perspective.
The Australian mental health system: An economic overview and some research issues
Mental Health Services Research, Vol. 3, No. 4, December 2001 (C
Parents with mental health issues: Consequences for children and effectiveness of interventions designed to assist children and their families Parents mental health research issues with mental health issues .
Summary of State Laws Mandating or Regulating Mental Health Benefits
A fact sheet based on research about the prevalence and mental health issues in the Asian American and Pacific Islander community.
The financial support of the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research and the (then . Williams RFG, Doessel DP: Australian mental health issues: a review of economic studies.
Chambers RN DPhil BEd (Hons) DN(Lond) RNT, Senior Lecturer; Article first published online: 5 JAN 2002. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2850.1998.00132.x
Introduces mental health as an integral part of global health research, including conducting needs assessments and intervention monitoring and evaluation. Presents and .
http://enewsletters.rcn.org.uk/cm_master/E-Newsletter_1.jsp;jsessioni. de=true&show=container&containerid=600744015&imgproxy=true&uqid=1133 RCN Research Bulletin - themed .
Legal Issues In Mental Health Research Student Pugwash USA 2006 Northeast Regional Conference May 20, 2006 Heather H. Pierce, JD, MPH (212) 841-0469 heather.pierce@ropesgray.com
Mental Health Coordinated State Leadership for Better Mental Health Funded by The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Think that mental health care can be handled .
Purpose of review: To describe community-engaged research (CEnR) and how it may improve the quality
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Studies involving children with mental, emotional, or behavioral problems--or their families--have to meet certain standards of research ethics. This book contains chapters on .
(2001) Vega, Lopez. Mental Health Services Research. Read by researchers in: 33% Psychology, 17% Medicine. This paper identifies issues mental health research issues and trends affecting the quality and .
A contemporary case-based discussion of ethical dilemmas faced by researchers in forensic mental health, this book offers useful guidance to anyone planning research in this field.
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