The source code that powers the user interface for popular social networking site Facebook was inadvertently exposed over the weekend due to a misconfigured Web server. The .
Facebook officials say it's happened before
"We just received a tip that the source code for the Facebook main index page has been leaked and published on a blog called Facebook Secrets"I would say facebook source code leaked that is a serious .
The source code of Facebook.com just leaked [1].� This definetely does not bode well for Zuckerberg and his Facebookies considering the net worth of the source code at hand.� .
We just received a tip that the source code for the Facebook main index page has been leaked and published on a blog called Facebook Secrets. There are at least two .
Facebook is
facebook source code leaked
a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work . http://www.zonesec.com/2012/04/vmware-source-code-leaked.html about an hour ago
Check out the source code to the Facebook index page. This is the only page they have up right now. For more commentary check out techcrunch.com.
OMG! Windows Vista source code. leaked! . on Google+ Follow us on Twitter Follow on Linkedin Follow iTWire
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We just received a tip that the source code for the Facebook main index page has been leaked and published on a blog called Facebook Secrets. There are at least two possible ways .
The famous social networking website, Facebook, has finally acknowledged the rumour that a section of its code was leaked out on Monday. The leaked code had been .
Earlier this week there was a lot of chatter about how a portion of Facebook
Last night I returned from Barcamp Washington, DC to see a post on Techcrunch about how the source code of Facebook has been leaked. Wow! After the posting, Nik Cubrolivik .
A newly created blog http://facebooksecrets.blogspot.com has posted a single, devastating post, the PHP source code to Facebook
Tonight someone posted the PHP source code of Facebook
Examining the leaked code reveals vulnerabilities in Facebook's applications that could be exploited, a developer said.
I am selling the source code to RudeAdder for only $30 for those who are . Facebook Source Code Leaked
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/html/init.php';include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/home.php';include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].' .
Facebook users on Monday were left contemplating the security of private details stored
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